The evolution of thought around free will: God : You think therefore you have sinned. Plato : I think I can imagine what is. Renes Descartes : I think therefore I am. Hobbes : I think we're better off together. Adam Smith : We are better off together. Charles Darwin : I think I selected you because you think. Elvis : I think I love you. Mick Jagger : I think I can't get no satisfaction. Pink Floyd : I think it's just one more brick in the wall. Richard Nixon : I think I am not a crook. Daniel Dennett : I think I think therefore I think. Sam Harris : I think therefore I am not really thinking. Christopher Hitchens : I think therefore I need no god. Richard Dawkins : I think because it gives me more descendants. Donald Trump : I think I'm a very smart person Scott Adams: I don't think, I just do. I have no free will... so I can be an a$$hole. It's not my fault! I can't help myself.
The Scientific Method applied to groups of People
“But what…is it good for?” – Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968 (commenting on the microchip).
Solutions, not platitudes. Do-good, results oriented planning and solution building. Share the knowledge that makes the future better, then put it into practice. We are the rational optimists that make the world better for everyone.
Faith. Religion. Science. Does the difference make a difference?