The evolution of thought around free will:
God: You think therefore you have sinned.
Plato: I think I can imagine what is.
Renes Descartes: I think therefore I am.
Hobbes: I think we're better off together.
Adam Smith: We are better off together.
Charles Darwin: I think I selected you because you think.
Elvis: I think I love you.
Mick Jagger: I think I can't get no satisfaction.
Pink Floyd: I think it's just one more brick in the wall.
Richard Nixon: I think I am not a crook.
Daniel Dennett: I think I think therefore I think.
Sam Harris: I think therefore I am not really thinking.
Christopher Hitchens: I think therefore I need no god.
Richard Dawkins: I think because it gives me more descendants.
Donald Trump: I think I'm a very smart person
Scott Adams: I don't think, I just do. I have no free will... so I can be an a$$hole. It's not my fault! I can't help myself.
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